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(Rick Simeone) #1
،êôÇ ،رðÇ Ä—ئÊ ÂÇا واڍوڙ،، وnóئرا

.آÄÇو íë ê— اوري ،ڙð ́ ò„è ́ ئڻêô

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

Those poor love-stricken persons

They bear the pain gracefully

they believe not in half way

but look to the last stage (union)

وائò، واڍوڙئê ،òº ðÇر آòî ÂÇا

Çئئò، íë êæÇ ۾، êè êƒ،ا ئ˜ôº

.ڳئå’ي êïå ðôåð} îئئò، ا اوڙכ

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

The love-stricken persons are always in pain

they quietly bear it and do not divulge

They seek this affliction again and again.

،êóئرïs êô— äóئïs ،òº ðÇر íë ـ Çـ êïtÇ

وارêó، íë واڍوڙ ́ ئن، vj ðÇئj äôj

îئرêó، òº !îـ،ـئò ،òئå ھêóÄj êmÄj ۾ Äj

.را́ ’ي وîئòè روðó ê ́ Çئرêó، òº NJڳ

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)

The un-inflicted know not the condition

of the inflicted ones

How do the love stricken persons live?

They get roasted for the Beloved

and weep for union with him

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