،ðô íë ́ ئن êôî ، آرام êãÊئÙ
.يôî ½بôبئڻò ، ́ éئم ôئ òìÚـ،Óـ
( 7 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
The lovers never relax
A single accusation of the Beloved
can finish them off.
،نðóÂìÇ jـ،ـÆ ëئت، ، ـoِÇـ Çڳ ò òº
. ـئڻê Çـ íë ـê ـïìôë ، ـåـِ م، êôì ́ òÇئj
( 7 داμÇئن ،ôæئڻ êéó ÄÇ)
Either learn the yearning or observe the yearning ones
Do not side with those who don't recon love.
،،rì} ïëئري نðï} ،يÄ î وïs يïs
، وrë اðîئò وäÍ ،ÂÊ ب»ئ ím ÂÊ Âßا óئر
Ââم در ÄÇ
.ئرئêô ا òÇ !ا÷ ،rëر ðº êôìº رات
( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Watching carefully, the lover entered the midstream,
The test for union is:
“It is rigjt to sacrifice life
at the feet of the Beloved!”.
O’ Allah! May you help cross them to
who swim at night time.
،،rì} ïëئري نðï} ،يÄ î وïs يïs
،íïtìå êôئئôïtìå اي ،ِهر،بـ،ــــ ãèئم ،Àـ،ـئف ا،èـ،ـئêè و،
، rìïº وÂìôæïº êô ،òئm ÂôÇ òp êóÂìÇ