.ئرئêô ا òÇ !ا÷ ،rëر ðº òìº رات
( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Watching carefully, the lover entered the midstream
And crossed like those who
“Stand before Allah the Lord with fear”
Those who yearn for their Beloved
shall not be prevented by any danger
O’ Allah! May you help them to cross
who swim at night time.
،êè ³ب¾è يïº اîو، ا،ڳـ،ــí òïëð
،êـ jـ o ðڙðóن ڏي، jئر اورئêô نðô ا
،نÄ ́ òîÄ ́ ريھ òº ،òئ ôë ê ́ Âëي
،êãÊئÙ اäÍ !ïڻòÇ رÇئڻò Ç
.òp ïôèئر òº ـê jـ ،êì êô نðôæïº òÇ
( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
There is nothing like a heart full of love
The pseudo lovers merely stand on this side
and ask for a raft or support
The true lovers find the river a mere stream
and swim without a raft and support
Their yearning helps them reach the Beloved
Those who seek the Beloved
are not prevented by any eddy.