take the anti-current course
Put the step in the direction
where there is nothingness.
،يÄ آðîن ð ا áÊئÙ ،êïëئ ðôæïº ìيھ
،êïëئ} ò»ìïìè òæô} ò؟ïÇڻ }ðڙي êئô ð ́
.òº ôâئم êïìóڏ ڏÂìóس داêïë، ò ́ ð ́ !درóئه،
( 7 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Standing by the bank of the river
the lover reproaches the river
“How could you drown my beloved?
O’ River! I will complain against you
on the Day of Judgment.”
ðارðóن، ðjن نðóÄ ،نÄ Äô òμº
،نôwئè íë iè ́ ئرئêô، åي íë íïtëئ ́
،êìÇ ãôÇڻئôîئ ،اÄμô ئ ا ìيھ
.êóïs اÇئري ،ðômا ،ن ́ ê ́ êئô نð ́
( 7 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Where eddies stir up, and the river is in erosion
Where swimmers can not find the depth
and people on jars can not calculate the fathom
Where expert swimmers on floats dare not enter
How do you dare to enter? O’ lover!