Intensive love is where the current moves to
Its course flows tumultuously in that direction
“The lover may be helped to meet
the Beloved amidst the waves”, says Latif.
، ëبئر êïìôë نð ́Äë ،òîر íë ðôæj ôæjئن
اjئر،، ðèن اê !Âìºڙو ðóرðïs ïsان،
.ðô á½ ھê ́ æîڳ ïôèئر، êè êئôº
( 5 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
I do restrain my love within me but in vain
sacrifing my life, I enter the stream
Those who have the Beloved in their heart
only they have the right to proceed.
،¦÷ م î !}ي ،òîÄ ́ òº óÄkÇئن
. --ئرðóا ð ́ اÇئن++ ،¦اÂëðm ð ́ ـبئح Íـ
( 6 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Even if you were to drown, touch not the Beloved’s raft
Tomorrow he will say, “I got you crossed”.
، åڱ م ¦ð ́ ،êóـ }ـ ھòîÄ ́ òº ـóÄôkئن Çـ
وڳ،، بòμ ا ـðر jـ í ́ èان، ھêóÄj ئëئêô òº
.وÄï»ë êôîاôº ëئه ، jڱ êôîاô ́ jئ¦
( 6 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Even if you were to drown
depend not on the Beloved’s raft
If you want to meet him