ِÇـ ³î
.ئـ ëئه Äjواه ھêóÄj ³î ،دÂÙ بò ـڳ
( 1 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
I wander and ponder in unbounded space
but find not His limit
The beauty of the Beloved
has neither limit, nor any boundary
While I yearn abundantly here
the Beloved remains unconcerned there.
ـôئê؟ـِ Çــئڻò ـäـَ ،òp دÂóار يÂìôqóد
.ôjئ òï»ìè ئò Äومــ¾è ،êئôº ئنــï»ìè ºئëا
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Even after having manifestation of the Lord
They recognized not the universe
While to appreciate the Beloved
the frustated got confused.