Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1

Enable your eyes for union with the Beloved

Throw away duality; have pleasure of oneness

While to manifest the beauty of the Beloved

spare no obstruction

Acquire an eye of vision

so that you enjoy status of the believers.

!Çڻئن êô— êôÇ êì— Êئل، çô†و وائò

!ƒôئن وــëا êــôÇ êــاôp ، €ئل Äيـــ— ðæ€

May I lose my ability to talk( 1 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

and may I hear not from ears

If the Lord so wishes

may I lose my sight as well.

ð؟ـــº êــô} ئêôــƒـ òæــô} ،ðــŒ ðôــو† òــp Œئ

،ðº واòå 𺠺ڱ ،òº çóė –»ì— وٺ

êôÇ اu áËÙ ðº êïìº ،ðÇ وÂëðî ðp


. ّðÇ

( 1 داμÇئن ،يìÇ بÄوو ÄÇ)

Why do you become servant to others?

Hold the rope of Allah, who is Lord of the universe

Those shall remain happy who are in love with Allah.

ئ،ــº دوس در êــæp êــ ،êóڏ Óئðôâن êî‘ـ—

،êôë ðôzðــ— ê ïåئن، íë اmڳ اmئن، ê

.êôîÄڳ ڳ»ïئÂëر ê ،òp ‘Ç ǘئن ê
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