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(Rick Simeone) #1
Hearing your call

I put on the fiddle on my shoulder.

و’˜ôÇ آئðن ’kÇ نð ́


ڏوه،، آئðن ڏا́ ئر نð ́ ،

.ƒôئن ðÇن í ́ êô‡ـ،ـÇ òº ،íîðå آئðن ، jئرس نð ́

( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

You are the generous, I am a seeker

You are the giver, I am a sinner

You are the miraculous stone

I am merely an iron core

If only you touch me

I would be transformed into gold.

!èڱڻئ òئ’è ـôئِ}ـ ن، ð ́ ́ ـ،ـí ڏا́ ئر

ن، ð ́ ـêôو،Çـِ Çـ،ـÂا ـڻئ،و،Çـِ ـμئـÂائـِ èـ ـïìôـ،ـêèـِ


èـ êôm،ا ïsـ،ـÄ òº


.åـ،ـïئن èئن óئڻòÄôè í ́ ـðن،

You alone are the donor( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

others are mere seekers

Rain is seasonal but you alwlays pour

If you happen to visit my house

I, a lowly person, would be honoured.

آôîئن، اïsئڙي آئðن !Çـ،ـμـ،ـئر، ė ،ÄμÇ

.ðº jـ،ـìئه، Âëئj ڏóئò !ڍ،—ڻïئر، ـئêôڍ،—ـِ

( 2 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)
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