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(Rick Simeone) #1

O’ Minstrel! Begging on false worldly doors

would belittle you, in their eyes.

èڱڻêô، ò„è jئڻئ ،ئô— ڏک ڏا́ ئر،

}ôئ؟ —ðه êôڱè !èـ،ـڱڻئ ،ðó‘ـ،ـŒ د،ر ن ðè++

--.ڏïìó’ا وïåئ وmئن ،ئôj ð ́ êî‘ ́

( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

The Provider made clear His point

“O’ Supplicant! Why do you beg

from other doors leaving my doorway?

Hence you are distressed with the difficult days”.

، Çـ،ـڱ آ̈ Íئ½ا، نð ́ ، و’˜ôÇ آ̈ ،’kÇ نð ́

.وÄìô— ç ́ئj òïæـ —ـ ، jـ،ـڱ ð»ìïì ́ ـò jـ

( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

You are the generous, I am a seeker

You are the Lord, I am a beleaguer

Having inquired about your abode

I put on the fiddle on my shoulder.

و’˜ôÇ آئðن ’kÇ نð ́


، ڏ،ڏ آئðن ڏا́ ئر نð ́ ،

.وÄìô— ç ́ئj òïæـ —ـ ، Çـ،ـ‘ ð»ìïì ́ ـڻò Çـ

( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

You are the generous, I am a seeker,

You are the giver, I am an empty hand

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