Though you have unlimited might
you are so compassionate.
، آڳ ن ð ́ ،ðïºا ن ð ́ اوڍ،ð، ن ð ́ ، اوڍ،ر ن ð ́
èـ،ـï ،ðô ́ ð»ìïì ́ jڳ ـ³
èئڳ، êôïëð ́ jڳ ـ،ـÂ
ðóرðå òÇ
ڏ ن
.ابي ن آðó òïºا òº ÷ڳ، íë óـ،ـê
( 3 داμÇئن بøول، ÄÇ)
You are the refuge, you are the shade
You are the shelter, you are the leader
You are our hope here and hereafter
They who are under your patronage
pay neither the taxes nor penalties.