ii. Egoism, Oneness, Plurality & Patience
، ـä ـ و½Âت تÄ ̧ ،ò تÄ ̧ و½́ ئن
، ـä ـ م، }òھ òåð} ،وôî òãôã½ á½
.êôڻÇ وÂìÇ بئu ـä، îـ ðmøـ،ـî ـð îـ
( 1 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)
The plurality has emanated from the unity
There is only one unique Truth
Be not forgettable that the Reality is One
I swear by Allah
what ever sounds and speculation you hear,
is originated by Him.
،!اóئê Äي íë áËÙ !ڻئ í} !ðåئôj اó
ôئê؟ رÂìÇا Äâب òÇ ۾، qåڳ òº ئôqôå
.pئن وÍئل! ـÆjـ، واë»ôئ، ،êئôî ôئ ـئڳ îـ
( 4 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
One divine cup and two contenders!
Love doesn't endorse it
How can those accomplish their Love?
who believe in figures of multiplicity
Just see! How the existamce (ego)
has denied their union with the Beloved.