ـئـ،ـڳ îـ ،Äـ،ـôî
،òp اô»Ù êôô اوڏي í ́ ،ـ،ـ
ِاوڏîـ ا،ïºـ،ـئ :òئôë -- اu و،ر،ا،óـ،ـ³ ،÷ا Êـ،ـôئئ،
،ا،ڏ ـêô
ðîت í ́
.ـئòـِ ëـ،ـí ن ðîاÄj êóÄj ،îـ،ـ pئن êôîð ́
( 5 داμÇئن، آبÄي، ÄÇ)
If once you abandon individual entity
you will get close to him
Since there is nothing (in the universe)
which is devoid of divine manifestation
get your abode erected there
If you do so, He will never be far from you.
!و،ر، ـڳِ èـ،ــ
Çئرóئن، íë Íـ،ـبÄ !ئêôÇئر
.êóÄkـ Çـ ئ»ìïìè آ§ ïëئرóئن، òpð ́
( 10 داμÇئن، آبÄي، ÄÇ)
O’ love! Forsake me not, I cannot bear the pain,
I look out for you, O’ my Beloved! Do come.
،ðëاÄـ Êـ ـÄ Íـ،ـبـ óئن، íë îـ،ـ ـئن
.وÄÇي وðó !و،ر، ،نðè ،ðëئè،ز ذوق،
( 10 داμÇئن، آبÄي، ÄÇ)
I would never abandon to be patient or grateful
Beloved! I have forgotten the jauntiness of the world.