، و،ڌ òæôـِو،Çـ يھر ،êôÇ jئڻ، pڻ¹ م،
.۾ اڳ، òº ـêôِ ºـ،ـìـ ـáËÙـِ ، åـ،ـ ـêố ـ،ـìـِ ÷åـ،ـê
( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Divest yourself of the egoism
march onward without any intermediaries
Those who are guided by love
would find the Beloved.
ِpـ،ـڻـ م، jئڻ
، و،ڃ òæôـو،Çـ ِ يھر ،êôÇ jئڻ، ـ¹
. ۾ ،áôـÙـ،ـéـِ pـ،ـڳ ـ،ـì ا ، ـ،ـ Äôيھ ðæô
( 1 ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)Divest yourself of the egoism
proceed without any intermediaries
Throw and break the unbaked jar
instead take love to the deep sea.
۾، اوÓئêâ آòî ÊئÄن، ÍبÄ
،ê íë ÄîئÖ ذرو òÇ ۾، وÍئل ôئ واäÍ òº
.وóئ òî êº ìôîئا ،نÄ ́ واîـ،ـÄ، ³ôóو
( 3 داμÇئن، ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)
Patience dwells in the seekers’ abodes
Those who are lost in union, disclose not a bit
The broken hearted, swim without any help.