Hear so as to get absolved of daulity, abondon your “I”
Do not argue, hear what the Lord has to say.
،êـ ـ ئ م،، ـ ـ ،ðô êônô ò ـ،ـê
،êـ Çـ ـ́ð ئن Çـ ،نðôº ن ا Êئر́ ðنا
.êôôائÄj ðÇز í ́ ـڳ Çـ ،ê ́ òïóو وwئن
( 11 داμÇئن آبÄي، ÄÇ)
Be attentive as the beloved speaks
interrupt not when he would converse
Comprehend his directions with patience
Sit with him to hear, so that you may achieve compassion.
،¦ðj ي jـ،ـÄ،îـ،ـڳ ،وÄë ò نðôtìë Ç
.pڻò êô ºئ òï ،¦ðî èëئئن Âìïè
( 2 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
Move out without possessions (Self renunciation)
leaving all the clothings behind
She will lead all those, who carry nothingness.
،òp Âëðî اڻ آòî اوڏو ،يÄj ðîت ـóÂëðئن îـ
.òº êóå êôÇ --÷++ Çـ،ـÄي، ê ́ Çئºـ،ـê،
( 2 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
The Beloved is away from egoism, and likes selflessness,
He is with those who move out with “nothingness”.