îڳ، òp ÄnÀ !¦òî ،ðº --÷++ Ä»ìÀ ÷ئò
وڳ، Ç وðن ،òئm ÂôÇ ðºن Çن
.êôôî،و ðîري ۾ æîڳ í ́ ، pڳ Äjوڙي Äôj
( 2 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
Get the dagger of “nothingness”
stab this mule (of lust) therewith
Dispose of all traces of desires
Take your steps cautiously
so that you may move ahead easily.
،ðº ê ́ ò ́ئé½ ،تðî ، Çئڻ íë êôìº Çـ،ـéـ،ـÄ،
jئڻ، اÂìóو نðïìj ۾، Äk ô Äي
.mئò ÞôÔå ،íï»ìè ò×¾å رîئڻ، íï»óر يÂìô
( 5 ،òÈóد ÄÇ)
The Lord is on the side of those
who have no possessions
He would himself come to them graciously
amidst mountains (distress)
He would converse pleasantly with them, says Latif.