Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،òp ÅôîÄj ė òÇئj ́ ئن دو³Ç، ºئن ـðôئò jـ

. —ôئ دور òئôÇ دêó ê ́ ،تðî ڏðz êôìº

( 8 ،òìôȽ ÄÇ) If you wish to seek the friend

get away from all forbearances

Those who saw him, kept away all religions.

èـ،ـÄכ،، òئô— ـðڙòî èـ ،ò»îðè ò ́ èڻئò

،قÄß ð ́ وڌو ،êôÇ ‰ئم ÄÈôìm mئò

.ðº îئڳ ڏ ڏن§ آóئòھ ورق، وðó وري

( 1 ،ÄÈôìm øôå ÄÇ)

You were enticed by the trinket

With false pride you were confused

Arguing with the beloved, changed everything

You have been abandoned!

èـ،ـÄ،כ ،ð»ìïì ́ ÍبÄ ðÇڍا



.ðº ان ò»— ب،اد، ،،ن،ðm òº êôÇ ـi mـ

( 8 راڻð، äèðè ÄÇ)

O' Beloved! Your patience is a pride for the shamed

Those who explicate in silence, they are to be respected.

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