،³éî Ä òæî ،ðô ÷ڙائð م،، å
، êôئÄ μèئن ۾، êïìـ èـ ـðïن Çئèـ ـ¹ِÇـ
.êôóè ڳئíïå Ç ڳئڙòî ،Ç òº ـóÄôkئن Çـ
( 1 ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
Do not move off, do not deviate
get along courageously
The sun is onto your face, do waver not
you may meet your Beloved at the sun’s twilight.
ºـ،ـ òïëئ ، ºـ،ـä ́ ئن êôئôº ºئن
يھ،ر ºـ،ـæـ،ـڳ، ئ¦
ِ́ ـ،ـμـ
îـ،ـä يھـ،ـ ـòھ
.òº îـ،ـڳ،و ،äóو òïëئ ،
( 2 ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
So long you are alive burn yourself
there is no let off except to burn
Keep on goging, whether it is hot or cold
No time is there to relax.
،òº وïóڳ وäó òïëئ ،íîئ يھ ھòμ ́
.ðº ھêóÄj êôïå íë Äôj ،íîاÂëو ا ئò μèئن
( 2 ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
Push on forward whether it is cold or hot
no time is left to relax
Else it may become dark, you may not locate
the foot-prints of the Beloved.