ـéئز،،ِëـ íîئë ́ ئن ́ ئن ،òp jئڻ êôÈـ،ـj ºئن ºئن
.mئð Äôب ́ ¦ðj ـïئنِ́ ـ Çئز،، ئئòو Çـ،ـ
( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
So long as you are conscious of your “self”
your Namaz is thereby done away
Wipe out all your belongings first
and then offer your prayers.
Çـ،ـ»ـ،ـðد،، òîئë ́ ئن ́ ئن ،òp jئڻ êôÈـ،ـj ºئن ºئن
.mئð Äôب ́ ¦ðj ـïئن́ ـِ د،، ðº،و وئئò
( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
So long as you are conscious of your “self”
your prostration to Allah is uncalled for
Wipe out all your egoism
and then offer your prayers.
ـàôئِو،Öـ و،رد،
ëـ،ـéئز،، رòî ëئ ،ئóÄÇو
.۾ êبìm ðô ðmري بئز، ب¾Äيھ ìôîئو
( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
The worship, prayer and recitation
even Namaz, have been forgotten
since the falcon of love has clutched
my heart in its claws.