،íë ð ́ ́ ðاÐـ،ـØ ،êـ،ـ ́ ،êóÄ Çـ،ـ»Âا ðóئë ـÄÇـِ
،íë ðÇ êóÇئر Çـ،ـï»ئن ،ðº èـ،ـê ðڻè ðº ðî
.ßئئÂو ـئòِـð ڌوڻêô ،íëð ¦ Âìô !ـðڙا ـ
( 4 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
You bow your head to prostrate, but lack humility
That in the mind’s rosary, you remember not ecstatically
O’ liar! You will have no benefit
by fanning the fire (of worldly desires).
،ðô ÷òæÙا òp Ùـ،ـبـ،ـÂ، ،òئôë ëئبðديھ
،òئôÇ jڳ ـðر،ت، Íـ ،ئô ـò èـ،ـÁـàـِ ۾ ـðر،ت، èـ
. òº íï»ڳ òº óÄjئن ڳئíïå ؟òïô ات ò»
( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ) Self annihilation leads to elevation of
the human
Though their look is hidden
they have the same appearance
How can I describe the Beloved’s secrets here?
۾، --اu òß++ ôئ òëئß òÇ وðºد، وئðó êº
Çـ،ـ»ـ،ـðد، ê ð íë،۾ Úâـ،ـðذ íë ôâئم ê ́ íë
.òp بðد ئós نøôâ ëئبðد، ôئ نøôº
( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Those who succeed in self abnegation