become mortal for the sake of Allah
They carry out no prayer
Neither they bow in prostration
Nor do they sit or stand
In order to “be”
They had to negate their 'self'.
ـئــò، ـÂا ºـ ºئنِ ò»ìïìè ،òڻî ³ãôã½
ـò،ِpـ،ـڻـ íë ́ ئن ïtÇئن ري، ھêóÄj jـ،ـÈئíî وî
.۾ روح آòî ðôîر ڌڻò، ئò ڌڻò
( 3 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
The reality has changed my life
I am not able to take one breath without the Beloved
Nothing else has remained in my soul
except the Lord and Lord only.
!ôÀئل ðº Àئòھ يھا ئ، íîئë íë آíî ³º
.ðô Äjي ئò Èjڻئن éºئل، 𺠺ئëا
( 1 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
It is a mere human reasoning of “Is “ or “ Isn't ”,
It is far away to envisage the beauty of the Beloved.
،ê êïëڏاðî êïëاôî ـ»ïڻئ، }ـ íë èئم، ðèر،ک
ـ،ـxـ،ـÄ ،jـ،ـÈـ،ـê êóÄj êئô òÇ
.۾ êôpا ºــê
( 3 آÇئ، ÄÇ)
The stupid can't understand the divine secrets