ڏورêó، ڏÈóئÂëر، ،êôÇ èئٺ òº ³ßÄÚè
ووڙêó، íë òïóو ،êôî ـμئ Çـ íë ـo Çـ
.mئò ÞôÔæåاÂبÙ áÊئÙ،êóرð نðئìïæ
( 1 ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
The seekers, who always recite:
“No God except Allah”
are inflicted by their belief in Oneness
Their hearts are absorbed in the Reality
they carry out self abnegation
With silence they wander far away
for the divine knowledge
They never sleep in peace
and never settle to live anywhere
“The true lovers sacrifice their heads” says Abdul Latif.
ا،ڌ،، اu ،÷ا ـ،ـôئ و،ڍóئ، òº
.ئò íë ا،ئڳòھ êïì ،،ـ،ـÇ jـ،ـòÈ ڌ،ڙ، òÇ
( 1 ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
The seekers, who are cut off into two
for believing in “No God except Allah”
Perceiving their corpses
only the unfortunate would'nt aspire
to have such desire.