،ئô راòÐ ڏòë اڻ ڏóðpئ، ڏòë
.êôÇ jئڻ ôìpئئðن ،êô ºئê ،ئô òÇ òßðÍ
( 11 ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
They are distressed if something is offered to them
and pleased if nothing is offered
They have become Sufis (Ascetics)
by carrying no desire with them.
،Äô ئëئÆô ،نð ،òßð÷ òßðÍ
، Äôj Æîئë jر وڙòî، ـíïـ»ìè ئò ئنôï»ìè
.واÄîو ðº êôì ́ ئò ، وÄó ڻÆÇئ êôìº
( 5 ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Sufis do not believe in religious convictions
no one knows their faith
Their mind is always busy for war
with egoism, but disclose nothing
They help those who are antagonistic to them.
،،حøÍ íë اي، êôßðÍ êóÄ Çـ،ـ mئئêô، òßðÍ
.۾ آڳ òæا íîوºـ ،هø رک òwئ
( 5 ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
You call yourself a Sufi
and still wish for worldly desires!
That is not the peculiarity of Sufis (Ascetics)
Put off your (Sufi’s) headdress (egoism)