Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1

.êôÇ وäÍ íîئë ðï»óو وnóئرو، Äj ان

( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

With a face brighter than a mirror

but a heart so black

an unimpeded tongue outwordly, sinful inside

such a wretched person can have

no union with the Beloved.

ـðن، ́ ـ Çڻ¹ !Óئåا ،òp jئڻ jـ،ـÄدو --jئڻ++

.ƒôئ òÇئj Ç Äjدا ن، ðî íë îئن ë˜ئ

( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

O’ seeker! Listen, egoism acts as a casing against you

preclude all ego and argumentation

all the veils would then be removed.

،rëئ” €ئëئ¹ ò˜” ،êô م، ¹— —ðڙي

،rë÷ ر¹p ÷ئá ،êئº êôÇئìÇ Çئري

.êóėا òïìڳ اوس ،Âëئj ھòìm mئرئò í ́

( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

Do not do anything malaise, consider it unworthy

O’ seeker! Like hermits

bind your loincloth cautiously

so that you may cross through

with all the four sides of the loincloth dry.

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