Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
.ƒôئ ‘s ڏٿ ڏوƒò íïº ،êóارÃs رÂëðs

( 1 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

I have seen the wanderers (ascetics)

who do not reside in their houses

For the sake of the One

they wander in extreme weather

and they weep and shed tears

All such seekers live in sadness

after they acquire food

(for thought)

ðîئp ðèن


آóـ åـ،ـôqئ، يڙ


آرام، íë ـê

ٿ ڏ ڏوƒò ـíï ºـ ́ éئم، ê ́ —ôئئðن


.ƒôئ ‘s

( 1 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

I have seen the wanderers (ascetics)

who had no rest

They exhausted their strength

in acquiring the food (knowledge).

،ê— وÄó،م، íë òïóو ،ئôqå pئðîڙي ن ðè

âـ —ئر،ڻ ،êóÄtëڏو ۾ òμ ́ êïìóڏ


،—ـ،ـïـ،ـê ـðت،

ِـïڻـ ºـ ۾ ätìïº


.ƒôئ ‘s ٿ، ڏ ڏوƒò ـíï ºـ ،ـ˜ـ،ـê

( 1 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

I have seen the wanderers (ascetics)

who do not waste time

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