Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
You do not deserve ( 4 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)


still you talk of renunciation

The journey towards the Beloved is long

secondly the ground is hot

The ascetics on way to the Beloved

went shedding tears of blood.

،òº م، ðºڳ jئئò ºئÄا، ن ðî òڳðº

اي§، ðïôìÇ ـڳ Çـ ،êôÇ êì— êî !îئرóئ

. --§òƒ òÇئj jئڻئن ،òp وðºد و†ئئò++

!êó،ðm --آ̈ ++ !اÇئرا .§òî òïëð— êôî‘î

( 4 μئنداÇ ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

The ascetics are never otherwise alive

adopting renunciation they are nonexistent

O’ imbecile! Hear this reprimand

with your same ears

Annihilate your existence

and keep away from the ‘Self’

non-existent is O’ negligent! that

yet you proclaim “I”.


، ڳـ،ـl òºÄـ ïsـ ڳئíïå ۾، ،ڳðº ò»ìïì ́ òڳðº


، jـl ð€ ا ۾ jـ،ـÄ ِ ،ðóÄnm ،ðó Äômِ ،ðóو،ڍ
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