.ئò آب آ́ Ëئن ðº ،lè }ئرج òئðÇ
( 4 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
O’ Ascetic! You need a lot
to perfect your renunciation
Cut your self, tear to pieces
make minced meat and roast it secretly
Kindle within such a blaze
that it belittles the actual fire.
،òÄôè kئئڳ ê ،¦ئk ì òڳðº
++ ،يðm ÂôÇ ، --ò»ìïì ́ ³ب¾Í++
، --Çـ،ـéئ¦ وٽ êôèئÇ
ـìـِبـ اu يÂïó
--اËåئ§ êè هـðر
ا ،
،آíî åـ،ـئò êïëا óئê
.ئó ºڱ }ئò êôìº ،¦ئº òº êôì ́ òîھ
( 5 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
O’ ascetic! Get yourself beheaded
ripping ears is normal
“Correlate your company” says Syed
“With the holy men”
“Whom so Allah wills
He guides him towards his light”
is an observation for such seekers
That is the abode of those
who have renounced both the worlds.