،¦ئp د çô êôïـِدوëـ ºئ، êôڳ𺠺ئڳwðئ
،¦øº آگ، اÂëر ، ---ـëـ،ـÈàـِ òß ـ ر،بـ ـÄ و،اذـ++
.ðô} ،êô ـ{ð ِèـ ìôئن ê ́ ،Çئئíî òº Çڳ ºــê
( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Forsake the hair bound ropes of ascetics
kindle not the fire like them
Kindle within yourself the fire
“Remember Allah in your heart”
Those who have known the Beloved
regard nothing better than “nothingness”.
رون، شر،و اîي ئ ئjي، م، ئ òïô
،نÄïs ³Ëïب ðë ڏي، دوزخ لد ëئ
،êè òëئéæÈè ëئ ،êôÇ رàئ ç ðë
.ð»ìïëئj ð» êóÄj í ́ ،نðm óئêا ئ
( 5 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
With what intention
the ascetics adopt such conduct?
They neither think of Hell
nor do they demand Paradise
They have no concern with the infidels
nor with the believers
They stand up and say
“O’ Beloved! Accept us as yours.”