Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 513

Defective Acceptable Superior
Before 25 218 22
After 9 103 14

Is this change significant at the .05 level?
21.A sample of 300 cars having cellular phones and one of 400 cars without phones
were tracked for 1 year. The following table gives the number of these cars involved
in accidents over that year.

Accident No Accident
Cellular phone 22 278
No phone 26 374

Use the above to test the hypothesis that having a cellular phone in your car
and being involved in an accident are independent. Use the 5 percent level of
22.To study the effect of fluoridated water supplies on tooth decay, two communities
of roughly the same socioeconomic status were chosen. One of these communities
had fluoridated water while the other did not. Random samples of 200 teenagers
from both communities were chosen, and the numbers of cavities they had were
determined. The following data resulted.

Cavities Fluoridated Town Nonfluoridated Town
0 154 133
120 18
214 21
3 or more 12 28

Do these data establish, at the 5 percent level of significance, that the number
of dental cavities a person has is not independent of whether that person’s water
supply is fluoridated? What about at the 1 percent level?
23.To determine if a malpractice lawsuit is more likely to follow certain types of
surgery, random samples of three different types of surgeries were studied, and the
following data resulted.

Type of Operation Number Sampled Number Leading to a Lawsuit
Heart surgery 400 16
Brain surgery 300 19
Appendectomy 300 7
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