Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

514 Chapter 11:Goodness of Fit Tests and Categorical Data Analysis

Test the hypothesis that the percentages of the surgical operations that lead to
lawsuits are the same for each of the three types.
(a) Use the 5 percent level of significance.
(b) Use the 1 percent level of significance.
24.In a famous article (S. Russell, “A red sky at night...,”Metropolitan Magazine
London, 61 , p. 15, 1926) the following data set of frequencies of sunset colors and
whether each was followed by rain was presented.

Sky Color Number of Observations Number Followed by Rain
Red 61 26
Mainly red 194 52
Yellow 159 81
Mainly yellow 188 86
Red and yellow 194 52
Gray 302 167

Test the hypothesis that whether it rains tomorrow is independent of the color of
today’s sunset.
25.Data are said to be from alognormaldistribution with parametersμandσif the
natural logarithms of the data are normally distributed with meanμand standard
deviationσ. Use the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test with significance level .05 to
decide whether the following lifetimes (in days) of a sample of cancer-bearing
mice that have been treated with a certain cancer therapy might come from a
lognormal distribution with parametersμ=3 andσ=4.

24, 12, 36, 40, 16, 10, 12, 30, 38, 14, 22, 18
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