A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1





afterlife, 262-263
Ancient Roman Calendar, 185
animals, creation of, 48
Anthesterion, 175
Aprilis, 190-192
asperging and smudging, 30-31
in handfasting, 128
Astrological Calendar, 166-167
Astrological Wheel of the Year, 167
athame, 88-89
union with chalice, 89-90


Bealtaine, 147-149
Boedromion, 181-182


casting the Circle of Art, 32-34
Celtic Moon Calendar, 160-162
Celtic Tree Calendar, 162
The Ancient, 163-165
Censor, 86-87
union with pentacle, 88
chalice, 90
union with athame, 89-90
challenge to Outsiders, in handfasting,
challenge, offering the, 31-32
Charge of Our Father, A, 103-104
Charge of Our Mother, A, 101-102
Cherokee alphabet, 119
Church of All Worlds, 237
Circle Guide to Pagan Groups, 238-239
Circle of Art, casting the, 32-34

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