(^426) A Wiccan Bible
casting in handfasting, 128
opening the, 39
communing with familiars, 224-225
community, Wiccan, 229-231
conflict, 243-245
coven or household initiation ritual
ideas, 117
coven, finding a, 115-116
creation myth, 42-43
Cross Quarter Days, 130, 131
Cunningham, Scott, 235
Darkness, creation of, 43
December, 198-199
degree system, the, 16
divination bath, 27
dogma, defined, 231-232
Druid fellowship, 236
Druid runic alphabet, 119
Druid Tree Calendar, 162
Earth, creation of, 44
Echols, Damien, 261-262
Elaphebolion, 176
Elder, importance to Wicca, 111-112
Esbats, 155-156
evil, Wicca as religion without belief
in, 57-58
extinction of Megafauna, 72
Fall Equinox, 152-154
familiars, 209- 225
communing with, 224-225
two types of, 213-224
Februarius, 187-188
Fifth Element, the, 90
fight, deciding when to, 250-251
Fire and the mind, 254-255
Fire and the soul, 255-256
Fire and Water, separating, 256-257
Fire as creative, 256
first ascension of humanity, 48-49
First Exodus, 69, 71
First Rite of Handfasting, 125
First Union, 86-88
forbidden fruit, 48-49
Four Quarters as Union, 93-94
Four Quarters, 81-86
association with Four Elements, 85
generations and the, 93
inviting during handfasting, 128
inviting the, 32-33
marriage and the, 92-93
thanking the, 39
Four Tools, 86-90
four, as number of reunion and family,
Gamelion, 174
generations and the Four Quarters, 93
god and goddess forms, 270-409
gods and goddesses of matrimony,
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