A Wiccan Bible - Exploring the Mysteries of the Craft from Birth to Summerland

(Barré) #1


Great Flood, the, 14
the First, 72-73
varying stories of the, 74-75
Great Rite, Symbolic, 34-39
Greater Sabbats, 130
Greek alphabet, 120
Greek Holidays, 174-185
Greek Wheel of the Year, 173


habit breaking bath, 28
Handfasting, Rite of, 124-126
ritual ideas for, 127-128
Handparting, Rite of, 126
healing bath, 28
Hekatombaion, 179-180
Hindu Wheel of the Year, 158
Hindu calendar, 158-160
Holidays, Wiccan, 173
determining date of a, 134-135
creation of, 48
first ascension of, 48-49
story of, 67-78
union of, 77-78


idols, wicca and worship of, 106-107
Imbolg, 143-145
incense recipes, 15
for initiation rites, 31
initiation bath, 27
Invitation to Lord and Lady. 33-34
inviting the Quarters, 32-33
Irish Ogham alphabet, 120


Januarius, 185-186
Japanese written language, 120
judgement of souls, 265-266
Junius, 193-194


kin familiars, 214-216
finding, 216-219
kith familiars, 219-223
finding, 223-224


Lesser Sabbats, 130
Light, creation of, 43
Lord and Lady
inviting, 33-34
thanking, 38
Lord and Lady,
first praise of, 49-50
in the Wiccan religion, 97-99
inviting during handfasting, 128
using Charges to invite, 104-105
love bath, 28
Lughnasadh, 151-152
lust inspiring bath, 28-29
lustral bath, 24-29
handfasting ritual of, 127
recipes for, 26-29


Maimakterion, 183-184

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