Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


wheals in, 4–39
Insect envenomation
periocular, 3–26, 3–27
in periorbital inflammation, 3–26
Insect netting, 4–52
Insecticides, 4–55
deficiency of, 4–28
for diabetes mellitus, 4–29
resistance to, 4–28
Integument, physical examination of, 2–5
Interferon, 5–75
Intertrigo, 5–57—5–58
Intestinal flu. See Diarrhea; Flu; Influenza
Intestinal flukes, giant, 5–38
Intestinal ischemia/infarction, 3–3t
Intestinal obstruction. See Bowel obstruction
Intoxication, 6–37, 6–39
Intracranial hemorrhage, memory loss with, 3–86
Intracranial pressure elevation, 4–5
Intracranial swelling, 3–55
Intraosseous infusion, 8–21—8–22
Intravenous access, 7–3
for blister agents, 6–53
Intravenous anesthetic medications, 5–155
dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
Intravenous catheters, for animals, 5–131—5–132
Intravenous drug therapy, Naval special warfare
combat trauma AMAL items for,
Intravenous fluids
for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for fever, 3–31
for gastritis, 4–81
for hypovolemic shock, 7–13
for pancreatitis, 4–82
for peritonitis, 4–84
for poisoning, 5–141
for streptococcal infections, 5–100
for urinary tract infections, 4–94
Intravenous infusion, veterinary, 5–131—5–132
Intraventricular hemorrhage, 3–93
Intubation procedure, 8–4
patient evaluation in, 8–4
precautions in, 8–5
technique in, 8–4—8–5
in acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
differential diagnosis for, 4–71
deficiency of, 5–139t
in goiter, 4–31
for equine lameness, 5–134
Ipecac syrup, 5–141, 5–142
Ipratropium (Atrovent), 4–22
Ipratropium bromide
for asthma, 4–20
for common cold and flu, 4–11
Ipratropium nebulizer, 4–21

differential diagnosis of, 3–25
differential diagnosis of, 3–28
treatment of, 3–28
treatment of, 3–25
deficiency of, 5–139t
supplementation of, 4–9
Iron deficiency anemia, 4–8
differential diagnosis of, 4–9
Irritable bowel syndrome
acute pelvic pain with, 3–43
differential diagnosis of, 3–44t
physical examination for, 3–46
symptoms of, 3–46
treatment of, 3–46
Irritant contact dermatitis, 4–69
Irritant rhinitis, 4–11
Irritated seborrheic keratosis, 4–66
Isocyanate lung, 4–18
for pulmonary disease, 6–21
for tuberculosis, 5–55
in aerospace medicine, 6–36
with pruritus, 3–113—3–115
for blastomycosis, 5–59
for candidiasis, 5–58
for coccidioidomycosis, 5–61
for dermatophyte infections, 4–50
for histoplasmosis, 5–62
for paracoccidioidomycosis, 5–63
IV. See Intravenous
for cutaneous larva migrans, 5–42
for filariasis, 5–40
for loiasis, 4–52
for onchocerciasis, 4–53
for scabies, 4–61
for strongyloides, 5–48

J tube, 8–3
Japanese B encephalitis vaccination, 5–105t
Japanese encephalitis, 5–66, 5–67, 5–68
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, 5–28
assessment of, 3–58
characteristics and mechanisms of, 3–57
common causes of, 3–58
follow-up, 3–59
in hepatitis A, 5–71
in hepatitis C, 5–73
in hepatitis E, 5–75
patient education for, 3–59
signs of, 3–57—3–58
symptoms of, 3–57
treatment of, 3–58
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