Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Jaw injuries, 5–18
Jellyfish stings, 6–13—6–14
Jellyfish toxin, 4–54
Jerky, 5–127
Jock itch, 4–49—4–51
aspiration of, 8–28—8–30
equipment for, 8–28
indications for, 8–28
precautions in, 8–30
sites of, 8–29
examination of
palpation of, 3–60
range of motion of, 3–60
stability of, 3–60
pain in
activity with, 3–64
arthritis and, 3–59
assessment of, 3–61—3–62
causes of, 3–59
follow-up, 3–64
hip, 3–72—3–74
inflammatory conditions in, 3–59
with joint dislocation, 3–64—3–70
knee, 3–74—3–76
mechanical processes in, 3–59
patient education for, 3–63—3–64
shoulder, 3–70—3–72
signs of, 3–60—3–61
symptoms of, 3–59—3–60
treatment of, 3–62—3–63
Joint fluid analysis, 8–28
Jugular venous distention
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
in trauma, 7–2, 7–4

K factor, 8–57—8–58
K vitamin, 3–59
K vitamin deficiency, 5–138t
Kala azar, 5–42, 5–43
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 5–93
Katayama fever
in schistosomiasis, 5–46
treatment of, 5–47
Kawasaki disease, 3–113t
for cellulitris of penis, 3–78
for impetigo contagiosa, 4–43
for ingrown toenail, 5–3
for phimosis, 3–78
for prostatitis, 3–81
in testis torsion treatment, 3–83
for urinary incontinence, 4–91
for urinary tract infections, 4–93
Keflex/Ancef, 5–146
Kegel exercises, 4–90
in Orabase gel, for aphthous ulcers, 5–17
for trochanteric bursitis, 3–73

prevention of in Bell’s palsy, 4–37—4–38
differential diagnosis of, 3–25
red eye with, 3–24
Keratoacanthoma, 4–67
Keratoconjunctivitis, 5–28
for chemical burns, 7–18
continuous infusion of in field, 5–157—5–
158 t
dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
for pain control, 8–40
Ketoacidosis, 4–29
for blastomycosis, 5–60
for candidiasis, 5–58
for histoplasmosis, 5–62
for leishmaniasis, 5–43
for paracoccidioidomycosis, 5–63
for pityriasis versicolor, 4–51
side effects of, 5–58
Ketones-Acetest procedure, 8–42
Ketonuria, 8–42—8–43
Ketorolac (Toradol)
for pain control, 8–38
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Kidney failure, pruritus with, 3–114
Kidney stones, 3–83. See also Urolithiasis
Killer whales, 6–17
Killip classification, myocardial infarction, 4–3
Kinyon’s carbol-fuchsin stain, 8–47
Kissing bug bite, 5–53
Kissing disease. See Mononucleosis, infectious
cartilage or ligament tear at, 3–59
dislocation of, 3–65—3–66
consultation for, 3–76
joint aspiration at, 8–29
pain in
assessment of, 3–75
causes of, 3–74
follow-up, 3–76
patient education for, 3–75—3–76
risk factors for, 3–74
signs of, 3–75
symptoms of, 3–74—3–75
treatment of, 3–75
palpation of, 3–75
KOH wet mount
for bacterial vaginosis, 3–47, 3–49
for candida vaginitis, 3–49—3–50
for candidiasis, 5–58
for coccidioidomycosis, 5–61
for female pelvic examination, 3–37
procedures in, 8–43—8–44
in vaginal examination, 3–38
Kotorolac, 8–39
Kraits, 5–143
Kunjin, 5–66
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