Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


for orbital and periorbital inflammation, 3–27
for pneumonia, 4–13
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Lewisite, 6–53—6–54
Libido loss, 3–29
Lice, 4–62
body, 4–62—4–63
head, 4–62—4–63
Lichen simplex chronicus, 4–38
differential diagnosis of, 3–114, 4–65
Lichenification, 4–39
Lichenoid keratosis, benign, 4–66
Lidex gel, 5–17
in appendectomy, 4–77
in axillary blockade, 5–174t
in Bartholin’s gland abscess drainage, 3–53
for bladder catheterization, 8–34
for cesarean section, 3–100, 3–101
for chest pain, 3–12
for digital block of finger or toe, 5–163t
in dorsal slit procedure, 3–79
for elbow dislocation, 3–67
with epinephrine, 5–20
for breast abscess drainage, 3–9
in episiotomy, 3–103
for eye injury, 3–28
local infiltration of, 5–159
for pain control, 8–39
for patellar dislocation, 3–69
for suprapubic bladder aspiration, 8–35
in suturing, 8–22
in testis torsion treatment, 3–83
in thoracentesis, 4–16
in thoracostomy, 8–7
for trochanteric bursitis, 3–73
in tube thoracostomy, 8–8
for venomous fish bites, 6–15
Ligament tear, knee, 3–59
Lightning injuries, 7–26
assessment of, 7–27
follow-up for, 7–28
patient education for, 7–28
signs of, 7–27
symptoms of, 7–26—7–27
treatment for, 7–27—7–28
for scabies, 4–61
shampoo, for pediculosis, 4–63
Lingual nerve blockade, 5–23f
Lipoma, removal of, 8–26
Liposomal amphotericin B, 5–43
Liquid waste disposal, 5–118
Lisinopril, 4–5
Listeria, food poisoning, 4–79
Lithotomy table, 3–38
amebic abscess of, 5–104
disease of, 3–113
enlargement of

in clonorchiasis, 5–35
differential diagnosis of, 5–47
with jaundice, 3–57—3–58
failure of
jaundice in, 3–57—3–58
pleural effusion with, 4–15
masses in, 4–78
Liver fluke, Chinese. See Clonorchiasis
Loa loa. See Loiasis
Local infiltration, anesthesia, 5–159
Lodine, 4–33
Loiasis, 4–52
for acute diarrhea, 3–19
for fever, 3–34f
for anxiety, 3–5
for mania, 3–17
for pain control, 8–39
for psychosis and delirium, 5–152
for tetanus, 5–101
for balanitis, 3–78
for candidal penile infection, 3–78
Low back pain, 3–6
assessment of, 3–6
follow-up, 3–7
mechanical, 3–6
in joint pain, 3–62
treatment of, 3–6—3–7
patient education for, 3–7
prevention of, 3–7
referred, 5–1
signs of, 3–6
symptoms of, 3–6
treatment plan for, 3–6—3–7
Loxosceles spider, 4–60
Lumbar mobility assessment, 3–61
Lumbar puncture, 3–87
Lung fluke, 5–45
cancer of
cough with, 3–15
differential diagnosis of, 5–54
pleural effusion with, 4–15
disease of, 3–14
granulomas of in histoplasmosis, 5–62
intubation of for airway compromise, 7–25f
erythematosus, 4–39
fatigue with, 3–30t
joint pain with, 3–60
treatment of, 3–63
vulgaris, in cutaneous tuberculosis, 4–44
Lyme disease, 5–32
assessment of, 5–88
differential diagnosis of, 3–113t, 4–37, 5–89,
fatigue with, 3–30t
follow-up for, 5–88
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