Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


patient education for, 5–88
signs of, 5–88
symptoms of, 5–88
transmission of, 5–88
treatment for, 5–88
zoonotic disease considerations in,
Lymph nodes, tender or draining, 3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–57
in nontuberculous mycobacterial infections,
treatment of, 5–57
in American trypansomiasis, 5–53
in animals, 5–126
differential diagnosis of, 5–79
in erysipelas, 4–42
pruritus with, 3–114
in schistosomiasis, 5–47
differential diagnosis of, 5–100
in ecthyma contagiosum, 4–46
Lymphatic system examination, 2–5
Lymphedema, 5–40
Lymphogranuloma venereum
differential diagnosis of, 5–103
in genital ulcers, 5–28
treatment of, 5–29
differential diagnosis of, 5–78
fatigue with, 3–30t

M5 packing list, suggested, 1–18—1–20
MacRobert’s position, 3–95
for cesarean section, 3–102
for urinary tract infections, 4–93
Macrodantin, 4–94
for allergic pneumonitis, 4–19
for pneumonia, 4–13
Maculae caeruleae, 4–62
Macule, 4–38
Maculotoxin, 6–14
Mad dog syndrome, 5–82—5–83
Mafenide acetate (Sulfamylon), 7–18
Magnesium citrate, 3–13
Magnesium-containing antacids, 7–18
Magnesium deficiency, 5–139t
Magnesium sulfate
for eclampsia, 3–109
for preeclampsia, 3–109
for preterm labor, 3–94
Major depressive disorder, 5–152
assessment of, 5–44
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–33f, 3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 4–71, 5–66, 5–71,

5–84, 5–86, 5–87, 5–89, 5–104,
fever with, 3–32
follow-up for, 5–45
Giemsa stain for, 8–47—8–48
patient education for, 5–45
prevention and control of, 5–120
prophylaxis for, 5–45
signs of, 5–44
symptoms of, 5–44
transmission and incidence of, 5–44
treatment for, 5–44—5–45
Malarone, 5–45
Malayan filariasis, 5–39
Male genital problems. See also Sexually transmit-
ted disease
epididymitis, 3–84—3–85
genital inflammation, 3–77—3–79
prostatitis, 3–80—3–82
testis/scrotal mass, 3–79—3–80
testis torsion, 3–82—3–84
fever with, 3–31
meningial signs in, 4–36
Mallory-Weiss tear
differential diagnosis of, 4–81
with syrup of Ipecac, 5–142
Mamba snake, 5–143
Mandibular extraction, 5–21—5–23
Mandibular hypermobility, 5–18
Mandibular Universal Forceps, 5–25
Mania, 3–15
assessment of, 3–17
follow-up, 3–17—3–18
patient education for, 3–17
signs of, 3–16
symptoms of, 3–16
treatment for, 3–17
for blood transfusion reaction, 8–19
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for hemolytic reaction, 8–20
side effects of, 7–28
for venomous snake bite, 5–145
Marburg virus, 6–61
Marcaine (epinephrine)
for bunion, 5–5
bupivacaine with, 5–20
for heel spur syndrome, 5–2
for ingrown toenail, 5–3
for trochanteric bursitis, 3–73
Marine life
biting, 6–16—6–18
venomous, 6–13—6–16
Mark 1 auto-injector, 6–52
for blister agents, 6–53
for chemical blood agents, 6–52
for chemical nerve agents, 6–52
Massage, for milk duct obstruction, 3–9
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