Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


MAST. See Military anti-shock trousers (MAST)
Mastitis, 3–7
in animals, 5–135
assessment of, 3–7—3–8
chest pain with, 3–10
follow-up, 3–8—3–9
patient education for, 3–8
signs of, 3–7
symptoms of, 3–7
treatment for, 3–8
vital signs suggesting, 3–11, 3–12
Maxalt (rizatriptan), 3–56
Maxillary extraction, 5–20
Maxillary Universal Forceps, 5–25
differential diagnosis of, 5–66
required vaccination for, 5–106t
cooking, 5–109
salting of, 5–128
storage and preservation of, 5–126—5–128
Mebendazole (Vermox)
for ascariasis, 5–34
for enterobiasis, 5–37
for hookworm, 5–42
for trichenellosis, 5–50
for trichuriasis, 5–51
Meclizine (Antivert), 3–21
MedCAP guide, 1–2
final planning conference (FPC), 1–3
hospital survey checklist, 1–3
initial planning conference (IPC), 1–2
mid planning conference (MPC), 1–2—1–3
planning checklist of, 1–2—1–3
predeployment site survey (PDSS), 1–3
site survey checklist, 1–3
veterinary site survey checklist, 1–3
in MedCAP guide, 1–3
Request, 9 line, 1–23—1–24
Median nerve block, at wrist, 5–165—5–165
contraindications to, 5–166
Mediastinitis, 5–91
MEDIC network, fever diagnosis, 3–31
Medical documentation, 1–22
Medical examination, 2–2
Medical history, 2–3
M5 item list for, 1–19
Naval special warfare combat trauma AMAL
items for, 1–20
Mefloquine, 5–45
amelanotic, 4–68, 6–66
malignant, 4–68
Melarsoprol, 5–52
Melatonin, 3–31
Melena, 3–1
Memory function assessment, 3–85—3–86
Memory loss

assessment of, 3–86
etiology of, 3–85
follow-up, 3–87
patient education for, 3–86
signs of, 3–85—3–86
symptoms of, 3–85
treatment for, 3–86
Meniere’s disease
differential diagnosis of, 3–20, 6–2
dizziness in, 3–20
treatment of, 3–21
assessment of, 4–37
bacterial, 4–35
treatment of, 4–36
causes of, 4–35
in coccidioidomycosis, 5–60
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–33—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–61
follow-up for, 4–38
headache in, 3–55
patient education, 4–38
signs of, 4–37
symptoms of, 4–35—4–36
treatment of, 3–56, 4–37
Meningococcal fever, 5–66
Meningococcal infection
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–33—3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 5–89, 5–103
required vaccination for, 5–106t
Meningococcemia, 4–41
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t, 4–40, 5–84,
differential diagnosis of, 5–101
flaviviruses in, 5–66
Meniscal tear, 3–74
Menstrual flow, changes in interval and duration
of, 3–39
Mental disorders
associated with anxiety, 3–5
differential diagnosis of, 5–152
operational stress in, 5–148
Mental health
mood disorders.See Depression
operational stress, 5–147—5–148
psychosis versus delirium, 5–151—5–153
recovering human remains, 5–153—5–155
substance abuse, 5–150—5–151
suicide prevention, 5–149—5–150
Mental status assessment
for African trypanosomiasis, 5–52
for anxiety, 3–2—3–5
for delirium and psychosis, 5–152
for depression and mania, 3–16
for headache, 3–55
in hypoglycemia, 4–30
with hypoglycemia, 4–31
in hypovolemic shock, 7–12
for meningitis, 4–36
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