Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


analysis of, 8–12
elevated in pericarditis, 4–6
in myocardial infarction, 4–1
Staphylococcal boil, 5–91
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
assessment for, 4–43
cause of, 4–42
follow-up for, 4–43
signs of, 4–42—4–43
symptoms of, 4–42
treatment for, 4–43
in acute mastitis in animals, 5–135
in erysipelas, 4–41
in food poisoning, 4–79
identification of colonies of, 8–49
in impetigo contagiosa, 4–43
in pneumonia, 4–14
in staphylococcal scalded skin syn-
drome, 4–42
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
intermedius, 5–32
of male genitals, 3–77
Status epilepticus, 4–35
STDs. See Sexually transmitted diseases
Steroid cream
for bed bug bites, 4–55
for millipede exposure, 4–57
for adrenal insufficiency, 4–28
for aphthous ulcers, 5–17
for contact dermatitis, 4–70
inhaled, 4–20
for low back pain, 3–7
for meningitis, 4–36
for mites, 4–59
for pediculosis, 4–63
in pruritus, 3–115
for psoriasis, 4–65
side effects of, 3–64
for swimming dermatitis, 4–54
topical, for blister agents, 6–53
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 3–113t, 5–16
Stimson maneuver, 3–66—3–67
Stingrays, 6–13
treatment for, 6–14—6–15
Stonefish, 6–13
Stool guaiac, 7–24
Stool sample
for occult blood, 3–37
for strongyloides, 5–48
for tapeworm infections, 5–48
for trichuriasis, 5–51
Stool softener, postepisiotomy, 3–104
Straddle trench latrine, 5–112f
Stratum corneum, hyperproliferative layers of,
Street vendors, 5–109
Strengthening exercises, shoulder, 3–72

Streptobacillus moniliformis, 5–97
Streptococcal pharyngitis
differential diagnosis of, 4–11
untreated, 5–98
Streptococcus, 5–32
assessment of, 5–100
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t
follow-up for, 5–100
group A, 5–100
beta-hemolytic, in impetigo contagiosa, 4–43
group B, 5–99
in early neonatal infection, 3–93
identifying colonies of, 8–50
of male genitals, 3–77
pathogens in, 5–99
patient education for, 5–100
pneumoniae, 4–14
pyogenes, group A beta-hemolytic, 4–41
signs of, 5–99—5–100
symptoms of, 5–99
treatment for, 5–100
zoonotic disease considerations in, 5–100
for pneumonic plague, 6–59
for tuberculosis, 5–55
for tularemia, 6–60
memory loss with, 3–86
assessment of, 5–147—5–148
causes of, 5–147
follow-up for, 5–148
signs of, 5–147
symptoms of, 5–147
treatment for, 5–148
in peptic ulcer disease, 4–84
in pruritus, 3–115
Stress fractures
foot, 5–6—5–7
heel, 5–1
Stress incontinence, 4–90
Stretching exercise
for hip strain or arthritis, 3–73—3–74
to prevent knee injury, 3–76
Striae gravidarum, 3–87
Stridor, with dyspnea, 3–116
dyspnea with, 3–116
in hypertensive emergency, 4–5
memory loss with, 3–86
meningeal signs in, 4–36
treatment of dyspnea in, 3–117
hyperinfection syndrome, 5–47
stercoralis, 5–32, 5–47
assessment of, 5–48
follow-up for, 5–48
patient education for, 5–48
signs of, 5–48
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