(singke) #1


First make this Great Vow, and then invoke my teacher: “NAMO
SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA. When Buddha had entered Nirvana, I
receive and hold this mantra, and I vow to save all beings. I vow
to perpetuate Buddha’s Dharma in this world”. Then Ucchusma
discoursed on this Great Perfect Supreme Dharani as follows:

“Aum, bihua guru, maha pra hen na shu, ven shi ven, vi ji vi,
manai, u-s'-mu, guru houm houm phat phat phat, svaha”

Ucchusma said: After Buddha entered nirvana, if anyone
wishes to receive and practice this Dharani, I will be committed
to making his wishes come true. Today I gave the mantra in front
of the Tathagata, and I hope that from Nirvana He sees through
our hearts. Oh venerable Teacher of the World, by reciting this
Dharani a person is permanently saved from the harms caused by
Demons and Genies.

Oh Venerable Teacher of the World! If the faithful man or
woman wants to heal the numerous illnesses, recite my Dharani
over 400,000 times and all illnesses will be healed. He or she,
either clean or unclean can order me at will, as I will always be
there for them to fulfill all wishes.

To make a dead tree live again with its full foliage, use one
ounce of Eucalyptus (Bai-Jiao-Xiang –sweet gum resin) powder,
and rub the powder on a willow branch. Facing the tree, recite
the mantra 100 times, three times a day for three days. The tree
will grow flowers and bear fruits.

To make a dry spring have water, use clean ash to scatter
around it. Put fresh flowers in 30 liters of water from the well.
Put it in the middle of the spring. Recite the mantra 108 times

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