(singke) #1


during the hour of the Tiger (between 3 to 5 am). The water will
jet out from the dry spring as a turning wheel.

To grow grass and trees on a bare mountain, take a sharp
steel knife and make cuts in the air in the four directions of the
mountain while reciting the mantra 3,000 times for seven days.
Grass and trees will grow.

To tame wild and ferocious beasts, burn Benzoinum scent
facing the direction where wild beasts come from. Recite 1,000
times. By night the wild beasts will gather in front of the
doorstep, subdued and gentle as domestic animals. One can order
them at will and they will never go away.

To subdue yakchas demon, take 10 peach branches and cut
them even length. Pour 50 liters of water into a glazed terra-cotta
jar, and bring to a boil. Dip the branches in the water and take
them out. Finally mix 3 ounces of cloves with 3 ounces of
frankin powder, 3 ounces of eucalyptus powder and pour the
water out in a pot. Stir the water with the 3 meters long peach
branch and recite 100 times. All yakchas and rakchasas will
appear to keep company with the devout, and beg to be his

To eliminate the cruelty of Atulas, Demons, and poisons
from snakes, centipedes and wild ferocious beasts, scatter clean
ash around their cave entrance. They will all come out. Recite
softly 100 times. Every snakes, poisonous worms and beasts will
no longer be harmful to people. This also helps them attain
liberation faster.

To prevent a fierce dog from biting people, get a handful of
rice and recite seven times. Feed the dog the rice and it will stop
biting or barking ferociously.

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