Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

As part of the preparation of operating instructionsfor production operatorsit
is highlyadvantageous to consultthe relevant operators,therebybothgaining
the benefitof theirpracticalexperienceand givingthema senseof `stakeholder
ownership'of the instructions.Operatinginstructionsshouldbe writtenin clear,
unambiguous instructional form,and shouldforma key part of operatortraining.
Dueregard should be given to reading or language difficulties of some
Particularattention should be paidto problems that mayarisein the eventof
stoppages,breakdowns or emergencies, and written instructions shouldbe
provided for actionto be takenin eachcase.

21.7 Ingredientsand packagingmaterials

Eachingredientshouldcomply withits specification.Eachdelivery or batch
should be givena referencecodeto identifyit in storageand processing,and the
documentationshouldbe suchthat,if necessary,any batchof finished product
can be correlated with the deliveriesof the respective raw materials usedin its
manufacture and withthe correspondinglaboratoryrecords. Deliveriesshould
be storedand markedin sucha waythat theiridentitiesdo not becomelost.
Deliveriesof raw materialsshould be quarantineduntilinspected, sampled
and testedand released for use onlyon authority of the managerresponsible for
food control, taking account of any certificate of analysisor conformity
accompanyinga delivery.It maynot necessarily be enoughto assumethat the
descriptionof a consignment of a raw material on the packagesor on the
corresponding invoiceis accurate. Wherethe identityis not absolutelyobvious
beyondquestion, the identityof eachconsignment of raw material should be
checked to verifythat it is what it purports to be.
Particularcareshouldbe takenwherea delivery of containers appears from
markings to includemore thanone batchof the supplier'sproduction, or where
the deliveryis of containersrepackedby a merchant or broker froma bulk
supply. Whereappropriate, immediate checksshould be carried out for off-
flavours, off-odours or taints, and,particularly in the caseof additives,testing
should includetest of identity,i.e. establishingthat the substance is what it is
purported to be. (NB.In a multi-containerdeliveryit is impracticableto check
the identityof the contents of everycontaineron arrival, but operators shouldbe
trained andencouraged to report immediately anythingunusual aboutthe
contents whena freshcontainer is brought into use.)
Temporarilyquarantinedmaterialshould be locatedand/ormarked in sucha
way as to avoidrisk of its beingaccidentally used.Materialfoundto require pre-
treatmentbeforebeing acceptablefor use should be suitably markedand remain
quarantineduntilpre-treatment.Materialfoundtotally unfit for use should be
suitably markedand physicallysegregatedpending appropriatedisposal.In the
caseof a bulkdelivery by tanker, preliminary quality assessment should be
made before discharge into storageis permitted.

332 Handbookof hygiene controlin the foodindustry

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