Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

All raw materials should be storedunderhygienicconditions,and in specific
conditions (e.g. of temperature, relative humidity) indicated in their
specifications,and havingregardto any regulatoryrequirements for storageof
hazardousraw materials. Stocks of raw materials in storeshould be inspected
regularly and sampled/tested whereappropriate,to ensurethat theyremain in
acceptable condition.
Authorised procedure and documentation should be established and
followedfor the issueof rawmaterialsfromstore.Correct stockrotation
shouldnormallybe observed,unlessotherwiseauthorisedor specifiedby the
foodcontrolmanager.Whena raw materialhas beenissuedbut not usedas
planned(e.g.becauseof a plantstoppage),FoodControlshouldadviseas to its
Depending on the product beingmanufactured,the ingredients involved, and
the nature of the process and equipment, the dispensing of the required
quantities of ingredients could take various forms,includingmanualdispensing
by weightor volume,automatic dispensingof batchquantities by weightor
volume,or continuous meteringby volume;the form(s) actuallytakenwill be
statedwithinthe MMI. In eachcase,the weighingand/or measuringequipment
shouldhavethe capacity, accuracy and precisionappropriateto the purpose, and
the accuracyshouldbe regularly checked.
Wherebatchquantitiesof an ingredient haveto be dispensedmanually into
containers in advance, this should be donein a segregatedarea.Wheremanual
pre-dispensingof relatively small and accurate quantities (for example of
additives)is required, this shouldbe doneby, or underdirect supervisionof,
laboratory staff.
Records should be keptto enablethe quantitiesof materials issuedto be
checked againstthe quantity or number of batchesof product manufactured.
Wherean operator controls the additionof batchquantities of one or more
ingredientsto a batch, the additionof eachingredientto a batchshouldbe
recordedat the timeon a batch manufacturingrecord, to minimise risk of
accidental omissionor doubleaddition.
Eachpackagingmaterial should complywithits specification (includingany
legalrequirements). The specification shouldbe suchas to ensurethat:

∑ the product is adequately protected duringits expected life under normally
expectedconditions(witha safetymargin for adverse storage);
∑ in the instance of packagingcominginto immediatecontactwiththe product,
thereis no significantadverse interactionbetweenproduct and packaging
∑ wherethe packaged productundergoessubsequenttreatment,whether by the
manufacturer,caterer or consumer, the packagingwill adequately stand up to
the processing conditionsand no adverse packaging/product interaction
∑ the packagingis capable of providing the necessary characteristics and
integrity where the preservation of the productdepends on the pack;

Goodmanufacturing practice(GMP)in the foodindustry 333
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