Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry

(singke) #1

abattoirs/slaughter houses 549±50, 590±1
abiotic factors 408±10
absorbents 683
accidents 682±3
acid-anionic sanitisers 459, 460
acid detergents 453, 454±5, 481, 500, 674
acid pretreatment 532±3
acoustic wave devices 290, 291, 293, 298
acquired resistance 84
acrylic-modified cementitious systems
170, 177
actinobacteria 385
active voice/present tense style 352
acute enteritis 9, 21
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
bioluminescence 503, 615
air sampling 633
biofilms 49
and monitoring 82, 87, 576, 580,
595±6, 604±6
adhesion of microorganisms 487±8
adhesive strength 484±6, 488±91
adhesives 260
advertising 367
aeration 422
aerobic heating processes 412
aerosols 93±102, 421
dispersal 96±8
factors affecting aerosol contamination
future trends 100

generation 95±6
reducing the risk from airborne
contamination 98±100
see alsoair sampling
affect heuristic 110±11
agar immersion, plating and contact
(AIPC) slides (dipslides) 596, 597,
agar media 622, 653
agar sausages 602±3
aggregates 170±1
atmospheric gases and insects in grain
411, 416
contamination via 14
quantification 43±4
flow 95, 97, 141, 622, 694
management of in a high-care area
relative humidityseerelative humidity
samplingseeair sampling
air curtains 133
air ducts 141±2, 224, 225
air gap heat exchanger 215±16
air-handling systems 93, 98±9, 100
high-risk area 162±4
HVAC systems 140±2, 145±6
localised directional airflows 100, 164,
air particle counters 95
air sampling 619±40


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