Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1


of Heaven, andI descend to the earth of Seb and put a stop to
evil. I see my father, the Lord of the Gloaming, and I breathe. (3)


  1. Soul. The Egyptianword whichin our modern languages
    we translate as Soul has already beenexplainedas meaning Force.
    It is so translated in this chapter in severalpassageswherethis sense
    is emphatically required.

  2. A curtain, "^ Set, literally a skin. Cf Ps. civ, 2, "Who
    stretchestout the heavens like a curtain," where the LXX render
    ' curtain ' by hipptv and the Vulgate by pellem.

  3. Here the chapter ends in Pc. The few words whichfollow
    in other MSS.were unintelligibleto the copyists and are written
    very variously.

Chapterwherebyone assumeth the formof the Swallow. (1)

I am the Swallow ; I am the Swallow.
I am the Scorpion-bird, daughterof Ra.
0 ye gods, whoseperfumeis delicious : Flame whichproceedest
fromthe Horizon : O thou who art in the place whenceI have
broughtthe keeper of his fold —let me have thinearm that I may
makemy observation at the Tank of Flame, that I may advance as
an envoy and come withthe report of it.
Be it opened to me, in order that I may tell what I have seen.
Horus is in command of his bark. Therehathbeengivento
him the throne of his father, and Sutu that son of Nut is under the
grapplinghookswhichhe made for him.
1 have ascertainedwhatis in Sechem. I have touchedwithmy
two hands the Heart of Osiris. (2)
Andthat which I went in order to ascertain I am come to tell.
Comelet me enter and report my mission.
AndI, entering and ascertaining whocomethforththroughthat
gate of the Inviolate one,I purify myselfat that great stream where
my ills are made to cease, and that which is wrong in me is pardoned
and the spots whichwereon my body uponearthare effaced.
O Keeper of the Portal, let the path be made for me, for I am
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