Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
May i] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

Chapterwherebyone assumeth the formof a Soul, (1) that one may
not come to the dungeon. Imperishableis he who knowethit.

I am a Soul. I am Ra who proceedethfromNu,andmy soul
is divine. I am he who produceth food,but I execrate what is
wrongandlooknot upon it.
I am possessor of Maat and subsist by means of it.
I am the Food whichperisheth not ; in my name of the Self-
originating Force,togetherwith Nu, in the name of Chepera, from
whomI am born daily.
I am the Lordof Daylight and I execrate Death,let me not
enterintothe dungeons of the gods of the Tuat.
It is I who give gloryto Osiris andpropitiate the hearts of
thosewhoare with him,my own friends.
Theyinspirethe fear of me, and put forward my might to those
Andbeholdme, how I am raised upon my pedestal andupon
my throne.
I am Nu. Theyshallnot overthrow me who do wrong.
I am he whose orbitsare of old ; my soul is divine, it is the
It is I who createthe Darknesswhichmakethits seat at the
confinesof Heaven.
My Soul hath come, far advanced in age, andI create the
Darknessat the confines of Heaven at my pleasure.
I reach the limits, andI advance uponmy feet.
I take the lead andI traverse the steel firmamentwhichmaketh
a curtain. (2) I put a stop to the Darkness andthe worms; I
whosenameis hidden.
I drive awayaggressionfrom beforethe Lord of the two hands,
who is my own Soul. The Uraeus divinitiesare my body. My
imageis Eternal, the Lord of years, the King of Everlasting.
I am exalted as Lord of the landof Rebu : ' the Youth in
Town, the Lad in the Country' is my name ; and my name is
I am the Force which createthHeavenandmakethits abode
in the Netherworld.
Notto be seen is my nest ; not to be broken is my Egg.
I am the Lord on High. I have mademy nest on the confines

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