Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1
Mayi] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

Let my Soul be caught, andthe Chu which is with it, whereso
everit abideth.
Trackout (2) among the things in heaven and uponearththat
soulof mine, whereverit abideth.
But if there be a delay in thy causing me to see my Soul and my
Shade,thoushaltfindthe Eye of Horus standingfirmagainstthee.

Oh ye gods whodrawalongthe Bark of the Eternalone : ye
wholift up above the Tuat,and who raise up the Sky : ye who
enablethe Souls to enter intothe mummied forms; ye whose hands
graspthe cordage, holdfirmwithyourropesandstopthe adversaries
thatthe Bark mayrejoiceandthe god proceed in peace.
Andnowgrantthatmy Soul maycomeforthin your trainfrom
the Eastern horizonof Heaven for ever andever.


Theoldest papyri present a much shorter formthanthe later
ones. That portion which is here separated by a line from what
goes beforeit first appearson the sarcophagus of Seti I and in the
papyrus of Ani. Thevignette is a very favourite decorationof

  1. Keep f I I! of which the regular variantin this chapter is

not sah but ® f / sehen

  1. Track out, O J? is investigare, i^ijfyeieiv,to follow the
    traceslike a dog. See Denk. II, 3, where the word occursin the
    title of "master of the trackers," determinedby a man holdinga
    hound in leash. It is from thisnotionthatthe sense of sight or
    lookingappearsin D v>-3&-, n&.T.


ChapterwherebyMemoryis restored (1) to a person.

Oh thou whochoppestoff heads and cuttest throats,but restorest
memoryin the mouth of the dead throughthe Words of Power which

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