Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1


theypossess: thou seestme not with thineeyes,thouperceivestnot
withthy feet; (2) thou turnestback thy face, thouseest not the
executionersof Shu, whoare coming behindtheeto chop off thine
ownhead andto cut thy throat. Letnot my mouth be closed,
throughthe Wordsof Power whichI possess ; even as thou hastdone
to the dead, throughthe Words of Power whichtheypossess.
Away withthe two sentences utteredby Isis when thoueamest
to fling remembranceat the mouth of Osiris(3) and the heart of Sutu,
his enemy, saying:—


Of this chapter we have unfortunatelybut one copy in Fa, of the
MuséeBorely. Thisis defective bothat the beginning and at the
end,andthe text is inaccurate. Thelatercopiesare so inaccurate
thatit is impossible to reconstitue the text. It is precisely on those
pointswheregrammaticalaccuracy is required for fixing a definite
sensethatthe manuscripts are hopelessly defective. Thefollowing
translationis verbally correct,I trust, but I do not pretend thatit is
intelligible. It stops wherethe papyrus Fa stops.

  1. Restored. Thereduplicationin ™—" here givesthe verb this


  1. It is not only in Egyptian thatverbsof sight are applied to
    otherperceptions. AeschylussaysktvwovZiSopKain Sept. c. Th. 104,
    and the Hebrew writersfurnishsimilarexamples.

  2. At the mouth of Osiris and the heart of Sutu. To justify this
    translationthe same prepositionought to govern mouthandheart.
    But I do not know any copyin whichthis occurs. TheTurinreading
    is simply absurd.


Chapterwherebythe Soul is securedfromimprisonmentin the

Oh thou whoart exalted andworshipped,all powerful, almighty
one,whograntestthy terrors to the gods, whodisplayestthyselfupon
thy throneof grandeur, (1) let the way be made for my Soul, my Chu
and my Shade. Let me be thoroughly equipped.
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