Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1


  1. See note to chapter 74. TheStreamwhichis so conspicuous
    but cannot be reached is the Milky Way,andthe Leg is the constel
    lationCassiopeiain the Northern Sky.

  2. Stoop, (I vK. Thiscomparisonoccursrepeatedlyin the
    PyramidTexts,and others of the early periods.

  3. Achmiu Stars(I v\ ® ^\ v\ * so Ab, givinganother
    proofthatthe word is to be taken as a noun, andnot as a negative.

  4. See chapter 30A,on " The Crocodile of the West wholives
    on the Setting Stars."

  5. So Ab, but perhaps wrongly. I dare not fill up the lacunae of
    this text.

  6. Fellow-citizens. The translationhere is necessarily conjec
    tural. But I understand by fellow-citizens (avpiro~nai)the dwellers
    of that city of which the deceased says,in chapter 17, "I arrive at
    my own city, ^r-"* Andthis «7y is explained by the ancient
    scholionas being "theHorizon"E^1 [or, asLepsius moreaccurately
    translatesit, 'der Sonnenberg']of my father Tmu." It is no eaithly
    city that is thought of, but an eternal one.

* I take thisopportunity of correcting my former translation,wherethe
preposition b^,, which twiceoccursin the passage, is both timesrenderedby the
sameword,from. Butthe sense of a preposition reallydependsuponthe verb
whichit follows. Thesame English wordwill not suitthe French dc in
' s.approcherde ' and ' s'eloigner de. '

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