Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

June5] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.

was »,f £-{§[ HI THE M0ST HIGH GOD

By Theo. G. Pinches.

In the work publishedby Winckler and Abel in the Mittheilungen
itits den Orientalischen Sammlungen,PartIII (Berlin, 1890),is a tablet
whichhas been muchquoted. Thisbookcontains,as is well known,
the Berlin portionof the tablets from Tell-el-Amarna,andthe text
to which I refer is No. 106,oneof the three mentioningthe city
Urusalimor Jerusalem. It is a small tabletof 27 lines, damaged
hereandthere,and it was sent,about 1500 b.C., by Abad-taba or
Arad-hibato a king whowas probably the then reigningPharaohof
It is only needfulto say that the tablet refers(afterthe usual
greetings)to the presence of Milkilu andSu'ardatu"1in the territory
of the king (i.e.,apparently,the territory of the king of Egypt in
Palestine). Thewriterthencontinuesto the effect thatthe men of
Gezer(Gazri),Oath(Gimti)andKeilah(Ki'ilti)had been captured;
and the land of the city of Rubute (Rabboth?) had become
disaffected—the land of the king had gone over to the league
(habiri).—Thetextthenhas the following words:—

1) inanna, appuuama, "andnow,moreover,
dl sad't Urusalim,(D.S.) the city of the moun
tain of Jerusalem —
ixl bet (D.S.) Ninip*-. Sumu-Sa the city of the temple
of Ninip (is) its name —
al Sarri, patarat. the city of the king, has
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