Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

Vol.XXXVI. TheQuestionsof King Milinda. Translated
by T. W. Rhys Davids,Esq. PartII. 8vo. 1894.
Vol. XLIX. Buddhist Mahayina Sutras. Translated by
E. B. Cowell, F. Max Miiller,and J. Takakusu. 8vo. 1894.
FromMissGonino:—History of Art in Primitive Greece; from
the French of Georges PerrotandCharlesChipiez. London.
8vo. 1894. Vols.I and II.
Fromthe Author :—Prof. Dr. Fritz Hommel. Sumerische Lese-
stiicke. Schrifttafel,Trilingue Listen, Syllabare,Paradigmen,
BilingueTextemit analyse, KurzeGrammatik. Folio. Miin-
chen. 1894.
Fromthe Author :—Dr. A. Wiedemann. Le roi dans l'ancienne
InschriftRamsesIII zu Karnak. 8vo. Bonn. 1894.
From the Author:— Rev. C. A. de Cara, S.J. Gli Hethei-
Pelasgi:—Ricerchedi Storia e di Archeologia orientale,Greca
ed Italica. Vol.I. Roma. 8vo. 1894.

The following Candidates were submitted for election,
havingbeennominated at the lastMeeting, 6th November,
1894,andelectedMembersof the Society :—
C. Fox, M.R.C.S.,F.S.P.,LodgeHill,Kingswood,nearBristol.
Dr. Hermann Haupt,GiessenUniversity.
GeorgeFrancisLegge,6, Gray's Inn Square, W.C.
The following Candidate was nominated for election
at the next Meeting,to be held on the 8th January, 1895 :—
Mrs.GarnetBotfield,c/o MajorGarnetBotfield,R.A.,HongKong.
A Paper was read by the Rev. Dr. Gasteron " Two
unknownHebrewVersionsof the Tobit Legend."
Remarkswereadded by Dr. Lowy,Rev.R. Gwynne, and
Dr. Friedlander.
A Paper wasread by Theo. G. Pinches on " The Lament
of the Daughter of Sin."
Remarkswereaddedby Dr. Gaster andDr.Lowy.

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